A Valentine's Day Gift Guide
A bouquet of red roses in a Black Velvet box
Red roses have been one of the most popular flowers for centuries, and they usually symbolize passion and love, being the most classic gift to give someone you love. This bouquet of red roses is so special because of the black velvet box that they're in which keeps the flowers in place and gives them a more luxurious touch. You can find them in two shapes, round and square, and four different sizes, 9, 16, 36, and 49.
A Heart-Shaped Box of roses
This is the key to every girl's heart, a bouquet of roses in a heart-shaped box. Our Love collection of roses is the perfect match to every girl's style, and every rose is placed carefully to make the perfect shaped heart. These Valentine's Day roses can be found in many colors, like red, pearl pink, baby blue, lilac, and much more. Our best seller is the Passion Love Black Velvet Red because of the color that represents eternal passionate love and appreciation for a loved one.
A bouquet of roses in a jewelry box
This jewelry box from our Rose Forever crystal collection, made out of an acrylic box, with soft, fresh roses on top, has a matching lid and a special see-through drawer. The roses on top are preserved carefully with natural oils, which helps them last longer, and under them, you can discover the drawer that can store your precious accessories. This box is such a special gift for someone because not only do they receive a bouquet of long-lasting roses, but they can also enjoy some additional space for their favorite pieces of jewelry. You can also hide some chocolate in them for an extra surprise.
Roses represent the symbol of love and serenity, and if they are selected carefully, they can make someone's Valentine's Day more unique and memorable. Don't forget to buy a box of chocolate, because everyone knows that love and chocolate make the love more passionate.